
Archive for the ‘bible’ Category

The God of Hell

Over the centuries humans have inhabited this planet they have inflicted every manner of torture, suffering and punishment upon each other. We recoil in horror of stories of unimaginable pain and torment prisoners have endured in the hands of evil men.

Yet even the very worst cruelties imagined by the most twisted and sick human minds are mild and tame compared to that of the Christian God. This monstrous deity sends humans to a place of eternal damnation, with no hope of relief or escape.

This is not divine justice.

This is gratuitous, sadistic, spiteful, vengeful, pointless, evil cruelty of the highest order.

Categories: bible, christian, hell

James was wrong

The book of James in the new testament is supposed to have been written by James, the brother of Jesus. James the Just (his nickname) stayed in Jerusalem with Peter during the early days, until the Romans decided to finally flatten the place.

James (or whoever the idiot was who wrote it) said “Resist the devil and he will flee”

This is just plain wrong. Completely wrong actually.

What a tragic waste of energy and effort and emotion I expended as a teenager all those years ago “resisting the devil” as he tempted me with such awful sin as sexual fantasies and the urge to masturbate. The more I prayed and fasted and resisted, the stronger the “devil” seemed to get!

The more you think about something, the more reality you give it and the more powerful it becomes.

James would have been far more help to everyone if he had written “Look the devil square in the eye and see him for what he really is”

I am so so so so glad to be free of Christianity and it’s awful teachings.

Dear Jane

September 12, 2009 6 comments

Dear Jane,

One of the “features” of churches is they tend to present one version of many interpretations as if it was the one and only truth, and Revelations is a good example. The “Left Behind” series served to scare the shit out of everyone and help convince us that Jesus is about to return any day now. What the churches do not tell us is that Futurism is only one of three ways of dealing with Revelation, and that there is also the Literary theory and the Praeterist Theory.

Praeterism (for example) says that Revelation was all (or almost all) fulfulled within the generation that lived with Jesus. The disciples asked “when will these things happen” and Jesus answered “some of you will not taste death … this generation will not pass away before ..” What did he mean? I could argue very effectively that the return of Jesus happenned in AD70 when “Jeruslaem was surrounded by armies.” Of course the modern church does not teach this because they do not want to upset the masses or be shown that they could have been so grossly wrong (and risk losing a big chunk of their tithe-giving clientele).

Chuck Missler is just one more fear-monger dressed up in sheeps pseudo-intellectual clothes but is really doing nothing more than building his own Christian book-selling speaking-engagement business. His biggest crime – and he really does know better – is only presenting a “modern church friendly” version of “the truth” and conveniently missing out a big lot of other stuff that is nowhere near as cut and dried black and white as he makes it appear (just like YWAM!)

It upsets me to see beautiful people like you sucked into the shallow modern day christian theology when there is so much more richness of thought out there.


Before you become a christian …

August 24, 2008 25 comments

Before you decide to “become a christian” there’s a few things you might like to think about:

There are lots of religions in the world – what makes you think christianity is the only right one?

There are lots of holy books in the world – what makes you think the bible is the only right one?

Your teachers tell you that God gives us free will – but what kind of free will is it when choosing one thing over another brings condemnation?

Your teachers tell you that Jesus prayed for unity, yet over the years there have been hundreds of different “denominations” that cannot agree on the most basic common ideas and – worse still – fight amongst themselves.

Your teachers use fear – the antithesis of all they say that God is – to gain your assent to their petty teachings. “Believe as we say or Perish!”

Over the ages, the christian church – both protestant and catholic – has been responsible for the murder of countless thousands of people (witch hunts, crusades, inquisitions, hugenots)

Believe what you like, but think it through!

Jessica’s question

My 14 year old daughter asked me “If you are gay or lesbian or bisexual, can you still be a christian?”

My response was to ask her what she meant by gay, and what she meant by christian. Although she seemed reasonably clear that gay meant “you were born liking other guys” she was fuzzy to say the least about this troublesome christian word, giving up after something like “someone who believes is God and tries to live the way the bible says you should.”

I then asked her to pretend she was a christian, and answer the question herself. She proceeded to ask me straight back what the bible said about homosexuality. From this, I asked her if that meant that her basis (as a christian) for determining whether something is right or wrong was “what the bible says”, which got met with a mumbling sort of yes. As for me telling her what the bible says about homosexuality, I pointed out that it isn’t all that clear, as christians from both sides of the fence argue their viewpoint by each quoting different verses at each other (as they do for many other issues). So then I suggested we just pretend that the bible was crystal clear that being gay was wrong – what would she think then? This was greeted with more grumbling as she clearly did not want to agree with this, but also did not want to disagree with the bible.

Finally I asked her how people of other cultures and religions would resolve the same question. So this left her with the questions of not only how do you determine the “correct” message of the bible, but also even if you do, what difference does that make as there are lots of other “bibles” out there. How can she know whether or not the bible can be trusted as divinely authoritative, or whether it is just another religious book devised by man.

After all this which was way more thinking than she was expecting, she decided to leave it at that.

What would you say to her?

Free Will is actually Free Will

Above all, you are not to ask such logical questions as “If God wanted strict obedience to His laws, why did He create the possibility of those laws being violated?” Ah, your teachers tell you – because God wanted you to have “free choice”. Yet what kind of choice is free when to choose one thing over another brings condemnation? How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s which must be done? Those who teach you this would make a hypocrite of God.
(quoted from Conversations with God, Book 1, p62)

When I first read these words I was astonished that I had never made this self-evident observation for myself. But of course I had no choice but to ignore its obvious truth, otherwise my whole christian house of cards would have to come tumbling down. To be quite honest, sometimes I am so overwhelmed with gladness to have finally broken free from the tyranny of christian fundamentalism that I feel like weeping for joy.

The joy of …

June 15, 2008 1 comment

A few years ago I decided to certify in the Microsoft Windows Server 2000 products and spent 8 months studying many volumes all about this product. Many times I would experience an inner thrill as the lights switched on in my mind as I realised what they were on about and how a particular component actually worked.

It’s a great feeling. The joy of learning and discovery. The delight that comes with understanding.

It’s the same feeling David had as he studied the Hebrew law and delighted in learning and discovering its wisdom and its message for him.

The past year I have been reading and re-reading (and re-reading!) the three books of the trilogy “Conversations With God” and almost every time  I read I feel a delicious welling-up of joy as my soul and mind respond to its simple message. While I don’t agree with every word that is written in its pages, I love the overall message of the book and I embrace it as my own. It has become a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” and I am grateful that this message has been given to mankind at this time.


February 22, 2008 16 comments

During my christian days, one method of resolving moral/ethical conundrums was to apply the WWJD method. (For the dim and slow-witted amongst my readership, this stands for What Would Jesus Do). Or even better (but I digress), the classic variant “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”. Anyway, this leads me to wondering what answers we would come up with to similar questions with WWANAD. (What Would A New Ager Do?)

Thus here some questions I propose for our next discussion group (which will be Wednesday 27th at my house, 7:30pm)

“Is abortion OK? If not, why not?”

“Is watching porn OK?’ (you would simply not believe how many search hits this blog gets each day with poor christians tying themselves up in knots over porn and masturbation)

“Should marriage be abolished?” (Stats show that marriages are busting up faster than ever, and that many that are married are just going through the motions. Is there a better way of doing this?)

For these, and whatever similar questions arise out of the discussion, the underlying question of course is “on what basis do you make your answer?” For christians, the appeal is to the bible of course. But New Agers don’t have a bible, so who says which answer is right? How do we decide? How do we know? Hmmm.

The problem with …

November 2, 2007 6 comments

The problem with evangelical fundumentalists is they’re too narrow-minded

The problem with liberals is they’re too broad minded

The problem with a limited-atonement gospel is it is too exclusive

The problem with a full-atonement gospel is it is too inclusive

The problem with a literal bible interpretation is it is too objective

The problem with a symbolic bible interpretation is it is too subjective

The man who says there is no god is a …

October 29, 2007 Leave a comment

Watch and weep.