
Posts Tagged ‘deja vu’

About Time

January 7, 2008 2 comments

timetravel.jpgThe “Conversations with God” Trilogy provides a fascinating model of time, namely that it does not exist, that it is a simple construct of the human mind, a fictive entity created as a consequence of us moving through space. It proposes that everything that has ever happened and ever will happened is in fact happening right now. In fact, time in the sense of past, present and future do not exist as such, only the “Eternal Now”. Think of the history of every person and event being written out on large pieces of paper, then roll all of these up tightly onto a spindle. Thus time is not “backwards and forwards”, but rather everything exists at the same time “up and down” on the spindle of the “Eternal Now”.

So what?

Well, while all rather esoteric I freely admit, this model does go rather a long way to explaining certain things I have never been able to explain before.

For instance, my Father recounts the story of when he was about 10 years old they all were set to move to a new town. A few nights before leaving, he had a dream of a house, and in this dream he walked around inside the house, exploring each room. On the day they actually arrived at this new house, many miles away in a different town, he amazed his mother by taking her through the house room by room – it was exactly the same as the house in his dream!

The “Conversations with God” Eternal Now model explains this incident by suggesting that whilst in a dream state, my Father’s soul caught a glimpse of itself at another point in the Eternal Now. This would also explain the familiar deja vu experience, that could be the soul catching a glimpse of a “future” or “past” event in the Eternal Now whilst in the waking state.

Either way, powerful interesting stuff.