
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Two questions which deeply puzzle me ..

Q1: How is information stored?
Q2: How is information retrieved?

Imagine I told you a simple fact: “My name is Jon”

Somehow your brain manages to store that fragment of information.

I then ask you “What is my name?”

Some your brain manages to retrieve that information.

It makes our books and databases and other word-based systems look so childish that I suspect we havn’t even got off base one in ths area of research and development.

Categories: Uncategorized

What are the odds of that?

December 18, 2011 5 comments

Today I found myself wondering that if something has a non-zero chance of occuring (eg: I win the lotto 100 times in a row), does that event become a certainty if it is attempted an infinite number of times?

I think it does actually (but I have been wrong before)

Well that got me thinking about the argument of the creationists that goes “the odds of this world just appearing by accident are so slim that it points to the hand of a designer/creator”. (Let’s no worry about the obvious question of who created the creator for now)

Well I think we all agree that the odds of this world happening the way it has are indeed very very very small. But … we know the odds of it happening are NOT zero! How come? Because it’s here!

Now we also don’t know how long this universe has been here. 15 billion years? Maybe. But what if it is infinite? That would mean there has been an infinite number of expansions and contractions. If infinite, it means this universe as we know it is no longer here by small small chance, but is here because it is an absolute certainty.

But then … I’ve been wrong before.

Categories: Uncategorized

When relationships end

October 29, 2010 5 comments

The value now so hard-won earned

Is in the lesson that was learned

We thank our teachers, through our tears

For through their love we see our fears

Categories: Uncategorized

The paradox of them and us

We don’t need anyone else in order to be ourselves
We can’t express ourselves without others

Within this paradox, every encounter we have with anyone is an opportunity for us to create ourselves, to decide Who We Are.

A new type of marriage contract

It is rather obvious to most of us that the “marriage for life” idea has its problems.

I would like to suggest that we introduce a new type of marriage that runs on a 5 year cycle. At the end of the 5 years, the couple are free to walk away, or renew for another 5 years. If at anytime in the 5 year term a child is born, the 5 years is reset to start again from the birthdate of the child.

What do you think?

In a rut

Many people, including me, have remarked over the years that “our marriage has turned into rut where we just do the same stuff year after year.

Now I really do have to wonder about this.

Are we in rut because we keep doing the same stuff …

Or is always doing the same stuff creating a rut?

Categories: life, Uncategorized

What I say is what is

March 23, 2010 4 comments

I have noticed that observation and declaration are such close cousins that I’m beginning to suspect they are actually different faces of the same person.

I could say “I am content“, meaning “Because of my current situation, I observe that I am content”


I could say “I am content“, meaning “Regardless of my current statement, I choose to be content”

I reckon option two is better.

I just love stuff like this.

Your faith has healed you

June 11, 2008 4 comments

I found myself thinking about this comment from Jesus (as recorded in the gospels) and I find it quite a remarkable thing for him to have said. Rather than “God has healed you because of your faith in Him”, or something along those lines, Jesus is saying to this person that it is simply their faith that has healed them.

Following on from some of the New Age I’ve been reading, this would be interpreted somthing along the lines of saying that “because you have known it as true, it is true.”


Categories: Uncategorized

As long as you realise that none of it is …

I was watching the business bit of the news the other day and was amazed at all of the financial gobble-de-gook they found to talk about. Share markets going up and down. Exchange rates. The strength of the dollar. I hope they realise that none of this is actually real – we have made it all up!

Categories: Uncategorized